Hi Mark,
Maybe try using \pointAndClickOff ? I don't know if point-and-click
slows things down, but it certainly increases filesize.
I've tested this, rendering only the last 100 measures:
When I ran Lily the first time on that file, it needed 171 s with Point-And-Click turned on. Afterwards I turned Point-And-Click off, where it finished after 88s. After that I did a second run with Point-And-Click turned on - now it finished after just 93s. I don't think there are significant differences concerning Point-And-Click. But obviously every first run that Lily does on a file, lasts longer. I don't know what's the reason for it. A further observation I made (which I posted some time ago on -devel) was that when running LilyPond with many files (lilypond foo1.ly foo2.ly foo3.ly foo4.ly) it needs much(!) more time than running it that way: lilypond foo1.ly && lilypond foo2.ly && lilypond foo3.ly && lilypond foo4.ly.
Also, you can temporarily comment out any instances of keep-inside-line since it's a known time-hog.
I don't use any of this extra-checks in my score.


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