I've finally gotten around to looking at the new web site, and I have to
say I'm very impressed. Great work!

A couple of comments about the site:

On Text-input.html, the pop music example is missing a hyphen and an
extender line in the first measure (though perhaps this was intentional
to simplify things?)

On Productions.html, I think you mis-entered the name of the other
publishing company listed - on that page it's "The Shady Lady
Publishing" but it looks like it should be "The Shady Lane Publishing"
(though I quite like the former!).

Thanks for the link to my company's site, as well. I've also added a
link to the LilyPond site to the next revision of our site (I've been
meaning to do that for some time). Most of the LilyPond promoting I've
been doing so far has been face-to-face - especially at conventions
we've exhibited at, where there are a few inquiries every day as to what
software we use.

Related to LilyPond promotion - do any people have suggestions as to how
to explain it to people unfamiliar with LilyPond or the open source
philosophy in general? The concept is certainly much more mainstream
than it used to be (using Linux or Firefox as examples seems to help)
but it's still difficult to explain. Also, I'm never sure how to promote
LilyPond to technical illiterates who are used to a point-and-click
interface. I usually end up giving LilyPond a glowing review, but
cautioning that it requires a very different mindset than Finale/Sibelius.

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

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