On 14.08.2009, at 23:59, Mark Polesky wrote:

Umm, that's probably not the best way of asking for help... We
usually prefer "can someone point me in the right direction" or
something like that...

Usually I do, except here, a point in the right direction wouldn't be sufficient for me. I kinda need templates with easy to figure out changes when it comes to Scheme hacks.

Anyway, look at the scheme code. The compound-time procedure takes
three arguments, one two and num. In the doc example, the stencil
override is:
#(compound-time "2" "3" "8")
That means one is "2", two is "3", and num is "8".

You see where it says (#:column (one num)) in the scheme
procedure? That means that those two arguments (one and num) are
put in a column:

You see where it says #:vcenter "+"? That means that the "+" is
put in the vertical center. You can see what happens when you
remove the #:vcenter command.

So, you have to make a couple of changes.

1) you need another argument in your scheme procedure (3+2+2 as
   compared to 2+3).
   * you might call this additional argument "three"
   * logically, you should probably put it between "two" and "num"
Got it, #(define ((compound-time one two three num) grob)

2) so now you need to make sure you pass four values to the
   procedure within your music expression, instead of the 3 values
   there now.
   (you need to change this)... #(compound-time "2" "3" "8")
Got it, \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #(compound-time "3" "3" "2" "8")

3) decide if you want
   (#:column (one num))
   ...or just...
This bit I don't understand. (#:column (one num)) would be the equivalent of \markup \center-column { one num }, right? How would I do \markup \center-column {\line {one + two + three} num }?

4) decide if you want to keep the #:vcenter command
Probably not. I'm guessing.

5) somehow incorporate your new argument (three) in with the rest
   of the arguments.
This bit confuses me. Isn't it incorporated by adding "three" everywhere?

Thank you

James E. Bailey

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