On 22 Sep 2009, at 11:49, Joseph Wakeling wrote:

The correct accidental is a # plus a !/4. It then does not change the
scale degree. This will also be correct in if the sharp and microtonal
accents are relative a tuning system other than E12.

No, it's a DOUBLE-sharp plus a 1/4, ...

Yes, sorry for the typo.

...which quite obviously does not exist.

I think LilyPond, once it has found the correct scale degree, computes the interval offset. As there is none for this particular offset, it typesets nothing. It should report at least a warning, though. The value stored inside should though be correct.

So I think you need to add a choice of glyph. LilyPond is too primitive to treat # and b and other accidentals as operators acting on all intervals.

In this case, staff position only changes if enharmonic equivalents are
applied. This is how it should be.

That's why I stress I want this as an _option_ for transposition, not
default functionality.

I think one needs to think through carefully how one wants to enharmonic equivalences be applied. It may vary with context. On most instruments, it can be used to simplify key signatures. On a harp, it may have to be applied note-by-note, as double sharps and flats are not available. If the tuning is other than E12, it implies a small slip in pitch.


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