Am 2009-09-25 um 16:37 schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:

Am Freitag, 25. September 2009 16:21:01 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

my editor tells me, in vocal music eights (everything smaller than
a quarter)
have to be normally unbarred and I should use barred eights instead
of slurs.

That is *not* modern practice... I would *strongly* recommend that
you try to convince your editor to use modern practice (i.e., beaming
to the beat, slurring for melismas), which is the current standard,
not least of all because it's significantly easier for singers to read.

Actually, here in Europe, that is traditional notation and the standard for any non-modern pieces! E.g. take any Bärenreiter, Breitkopf, Carus, etc. edition and you'll see that all of them use beaming for melismas in the vocal

So, for modern music (musical, pop, etc.), slurs might be the standard, but if you are used to classical music, the "new" notation is quite confusing and the
singers will have problems when sight-reading.

Ok, so he's right (and he complains a lot about those American defaults of all music typesetters), but I find it illogical nevertheless.

I'm very glad, Thomas Morgan provided me with a patch to typeset minor chords as lowercase - some other European or at least German default that LilyPond still doesn't support.

Now my (and his) last wish that I don't know to fulfill is -is and -es chords (see my other mail).

Thank you all!

Greetlings from Lake Constance
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Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

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