On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 06:39:08PM -0600, Andrew Hawryluk wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Graham Percival
> <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
> > Yes, but we already had a 21-staff orchestra exerpt from Jonathan.
> > After discussing it, we removed it because it didn't "grab" me...
> > I mean, sure, it showed a full orchestral score, but the
> > notes+rhythms were relatively standard (I haven't actually
> > listened to it musically; I just mean that there weren't a ton of
> > accidentals or whatever).
> Ah, I see. Maybe like the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, mtv.1, mm.
> 61-63? More accidentals, some fast notes, etc.
> http://www.mutopiaproject.org/cgibin/piece-info.cgi?id=466
> It could be cut down to a section of interest and be converted from LP 2.2.

That's certainly more in the right direction, although the
non-solo parts are all just playing eighth notes + rests.  (if I
found the right part)

Basically, when I look at the Goyescas, Cary, or Schenker
examples, I go "wow, that's cool".  When I look at the Bach BMW
610, I go "yeah, that's how well-engraved Bach is *supposed* to

When I look at the tablature, vocal music, educational, and pop
music example, I think "ok, lilypond supports this".  I feel like
there's a checkmark on a list of features, but it's not exciting.
What would excite me?  Hmm... for example, consider a vocal piece
- had divisi lyrics
- maybe multiple stanzas?
- multiple stanzas with different durations of lyrics
  (first example in NR 2.1.3 automatic syllabel durations... the
  "wrong" way of writing lyrics :)
- a mixture of languages?  Potentially mixing this with the
  stanzas thing... like an English version, a Dutch version, and a
  Japanese version of the same lyrics?
- lyric ties?
- melisma?
- dotted slurs, which aren't strictly speaking vocal stuff, but
  it's used in some vocal music?
- included a bunch of the above points, but not too much, because
  the example should still be tasteful and musical

It's the kind of thing that if somebody is doing it because we
need an example, it'll suck.  But if somebody loves vocal music
and loves lilypond, they could produce a stunning example in an
hour or two... and would probably learn a lot about vocal stuff in
lilypond along the way.


I'll be honest: I'm a bit disappointed that nobody has stepped
forward with a "I love lilypond, I love making fancy stuff, I'll
make an awesome tablature/educational/orchestra example" attitude.
(at least, nobody since Jonathan made the Goyescas example)

So at this point, I'm resorting to begging *somebody* to do
*something*, just to put a checkmark beside the box.

- Graham

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