I'm trying to combine some parts, and see funny behaviour.  

This input (lily 2.12.2):
\version "2.12.0"

accomp=\relative c' {
  <c e g>4. r8 r2

voice= \relative c'' {
  g4. r8 r2

\score {
  \context Staff {
    \partcombine \voice \accomp
produces this:

<<inline: x.png>>

The idea is to merge a vocal line into a piano accompaniment.  The
pianist can choose to play the top note, or not, as s/he feels is most
appropriate.  (actually, most of my pianist friends treat the written
accompaniment  as a guideline, rather than something to play verbatim)

More complex examples sometimes merge the note-heads, but add extra dots.

I've solved my problem at the moment by explicitly notating the
tune (where it doesn't follow the top line of the accompaniment exactly) in the 
part, and putting the tune into a Devnull context for the lyrics to
match to.  But is there a neater way to get what I want?

Dr Peter Chubb                                  peter DOT chubb AT nicta.com.au
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au               ERTOS within National ICT Australia
All things shall perish from under the sky/Music alone shall live, never to die
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