Hi David (and anyone else who makes it here, wondering how to find the "CG"),

The manuals don't tell anything about "CG", where it is, what it does.
<URL:http://lilypond.org/web/devel/participating/> does not tell.
There is no directory of that name in the distribution.

Step 1: Go to home page.
  Location: <http://lilypond.org>

Step 2: Click on "Documentation".
  Location: <http://lilypond.org/web/documentation>

Step 3: Click on "Documentation for LilyPond 2.13 (latest development)" [since you're going to be helping with development, this is the logical choice].
  Location: <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/>

Step 4: Click on either "Manuals" or "Community".
Location: either <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/ manuals#manuals> or <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/ community#community>

Step 5: Click on "Development"

Not the general manuals, not the web page, not in the FAQ,
not in the learning manual, not even in the Wiki AFAICS.
[...] Where or what is "the CG"?

What else could have been done to make the CG more available/obvious?


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