Op woensdag 11-11-2009 om 17:47 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Kieren

> I've got to learn yet another markup language 

There is nothing to learn.  Have you seen a file?  Adding plain
text is more intuitive than using Apple's finder.  Really.

> and install a bunch of apps (still in progress, over an  
> hour later?!) before I can even start the [alleged] 2-5 hours of  
> content development/improvement.

The lilypond developer community currently uses GNU/Linux to develop
lilypond.  Almost exclusively, always has.  That may change.  Chances
are problems are fixed before you encounter them if you use a platform
other people use.

> I guess what I'm really saying is, if we think the barrier-to-entry  
> for USERS is high, we've got another thing coming re: DEVELOPERS...  =\

As a new contributor/developer, by using a different, and a particular
unfriendly platform for free software development, you are faced with
tackling several difficult problems at once.

This is only meant as an observation and an apology.  Had you be 
using a common GNU/Linux platform, installing all dependencies can
be done in a single command that runs in under a minute on my box.

Keep hanging in there!


> p.s. Hopefully I'm more resilient than others who have come before me  
> — and subsequently dropped off the face of the interwebs, if Graham's  
> "0 documentation developers" is accurate — and I'll be able to get  
> past these initial obstacles without losing [too much of] my goodwill  
> steam.

Yes, I hope that too.  PS: you may try using the #lilypond irc channel,
that may help to move things forward.

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
Avatar®: http://AvatarAcademy.nl    | http://lilypond.org

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