Il 02/01/2010 13:28, mike99 ha scritto:

There's nothing wrong with your example, it's just not doing as you intended:
see the Notation Reference, 3.2.1, "Creating titles."

Lilypond documentation wrote:
If you define the \header inside the \score block, then normally only the
piece and opus headers will be printed. Note that the music expression
must come before the \header. . . . You may change this behavior (and
print all the headers when defining \header inside \score) by using

       print-all-headers = ##t

Thanks Mike,

it works perfect :-)

Your solution is better than the one proposed by Patrick because if I put \header before the music expression it works but I got an error message.
In fact the doc snippet above say:
Note that the music expression must come before the \header

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