У сб, 2010-01-16 у 15:33 +0000, Graham Percival пише:
> It would be nice if somebody could check the regtest comparison...
> it's too late to recall 2.13.11 if it broke anything, but if it *did*
> break something, the sooner we find out about it, the faster we can
> fix it.
> More info in the Contributor's Guide 7.4 Checking and verifying issues
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/contributor/checking-and-verifying-issues
> After that, it would be nice if somebody could check all the regtests.
>  One person has been doing it, but there's no guarantee that he's
> found everything.  Again, the sooner we find out if something broke,
> the faster it will be to fix.
I feel i could try, but i feel a bit stupid, too.

7.6 Finding the cause of a regression


This is a job that non-programmers can do; once a problematic commit is
identified, the programmers’ job is much easier. In fact, for most
regression bugs, the majority of the time is spent simply finding the
problematic commit.

Please, which job, _what_ can i do?-) What should i do to "identify"
"problematic commit"?

Yes, i do have a web browser and email client :O)

Possibly, i still don't understand how to use them, please give me a
glue. Thanks!

(Can this regtests checking be automated?.. Yes, i do have
bash/sed/awk/python and some idea how to use them, it this can help.
Yes, i'm lazy too, but not so delicious and bad, probably.)

> - Graham

ps. And --- again --- thank you all who makes lilypond better.
    And, again, sorry for the noise.

  Dmytro O. Redchuk

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