I sent this response earlier to James Lowe privately for unknown reasons. It illustrates more completely what I'm talking about.

A little more looking around on my Mac shows:

sully:/etc pat$ sysctl -a | grep proc
kern.maxproc = 532
kern.maxfilesperproc = 10240
kern.maxprocperuid = 100
kern.aioprocmax = 16
kern.proc_low_pri_io = 0

kern.maxproc sizes a kernel table which has an entry for each process in the system. So on my system, there can never be more than 532 processes at any one time. Sure, the pid's can increase as process come and go (probably to an upper limit of 32767), but this process table doesn't grow.

It looks like a more restrictive limit is kern.maxprocperuid, which is 100 on my system. That means that no "user" can ever have more than 100 processes at any one time.

Other systems can have different values for these parameters.

Note that running lilypond from the command line in a terminal does not incur this problem, as I suspect there is ordinarily only one Compile/Typeset activity per execution, so only one zombie process per execution. And zombies are released when the parent exits.

Also note, therefore, that periodically exiting out of LilyPond is a workaround, as all zombie children of an exiting process are killed.

Begin forwarded message:

On Feb 1, 2010, at 2:35 PM, James Lowe wrote:


Excuse my ignorance but what is 'interactive mode' in this context?

I mean what you do, as opposed to running in "batch" mode by entering a "lilypond" command in a terminal window.

I use Mac OS X 10.5.8 with Lilypond 2.13.10 and the inbuilt Lilypond editor, and I cmd-s, cmd-r my way through a piece from scratch so that can be hundreds of these commands run concurrently in one session. I checked in Activity Monitor and I only ever get 2 PIDs as far as I can tell, one for the app itself and one when I hit cmd-r and while it is compiling. I don't see any state PIDs in Activity monitor nor in terminal running ps.

I use Mac OS X 10.4.11 with Lilypond 2.12.2. I'm pretty sure that Activity Monitor doesn't show all processes, even when "All Processes" is selected. So I'll demonstrate what I'm talking about with the output of the ps command executed in a terminal window.

* I click on the LilyPond icon in dock and rename the starter file as scale_in_lilypond using File/Save As.

* Now I want to find the pid of LilyPond:

sully:/ pat$ ps -alx | head -1; ps -alx | grep LilyPond
UID PID PPID CPU PRI NI VSZ RSS WCHAN STAT TT TIME COMMAND 501 9800 75 0 46 0 160364 12468 - S ?? 0:01.91 /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents 501 9805 9292 0 31 0 27812 360 - U+ p1 0:00.00 grep LilyPond

So its pid is 9800.  Now I want so see its subordinate processes:

sully:/ pat$ ps -alx | grep 9800
501 9800 75 0 46 0 160364 12468 - S ?? 0:01.91 /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents 501 9807 9292 0 31 0 18052 244 - S+ p1 0:00.01 grep 9800

So it has no subordinate processes initially; note that the presence of the "grep" pid is a red herring here and should be ignored.

Now I go to the LilyPond window and do cmd-s followed by cmd-r. After the typesetting is complete (as shown by the busy indicator in the LilyPond log window quitting its activity), I repeat the above ps/ grep to see LilyPond's subordinate processes:

sully:/ pat$ ps -alx | grep 9800
501 9800 75 0 46 0 186344 17164 - S ?? 0:03.87 /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents 501 9813 9800 0 0 0 0 0 - Z ?? 0:00.00 (open) 501 9816 9292 0 31 0 18052 244 - S+ p1 0:00.01 grep 9800

Note the new process, pid 9813 owned by pid 9800. Also note that the 10th field of that line is a "Z", which indicates a zombie process (this info is available in the man page for ps). This process is not shown in the Activity Monitor window, even though the "Show" value is "All Processes".

Now I go back to LilyPond and do cmd-r three more times:

sully:/ pat$ ps -alx | grep 9800
501 9800 75 0 46 0 186332 17208 - S ?? 0:04.57 /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents 501 9813 9800 0 0 0 0 0 - Z ?? 0:00.00 (open) 501 9828 9800 0 0 0 0 0 - Z ?? 0:00.00 (open) 501 9832 9800 0 0 0 0 0 - Z ?? 0:00.00 (open) 501 9836 9800 0 0 0 0 0 - Z ?? 0:00.00 (open) 501 9838 9292 0 31 0 18052 244 - S+ p1 0:00.01 grep 9800

So there you have it, a zombie pid for each cmd-r.

Of course this problem might have been fixed in LilyPond 2.13.



-----Original Message-----
From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org on behalf of Patrick Karl
Sent: Mon 01/02/2010 20:27
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: pid leakage in LilyPond

I have noticed a resource problem in LilyPond, namely invocation of
the "Compile/Typeset file" command in interactive mode always
consumes one more pid.  When I enter music, I incrementally compile
it as I go.  I do my work on a Mac running OS 10.4.  There are a
fixed number of pids available for all the programs running on the
Mac.  This means that as I continue to incrementally compile in
LilyPond, the number of available pids grows less, eventually running

If LilyPond were a C program, this behavior could be caused by
executing an "exec" call to generate a child process but not later
waiting for the child to complete.  This means that when the child
process does complete, it becomes what is called a zombie or defunct
pid.  I suspect something similar is happening in LilyPond.

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