Eby Mani wrote:
> Is it possible to combine morethan 2 voices using
> \partcombine ?. Did anyone re-write this ?
> I have need to combine 3 voices to a single staff, I've
> tried

Don't use \partcombine.  Use the "funneling two different
music expressions into one context" trick (see
Note the "<< ... >>" instead of "{ ... }".  Don't know why
the "Pedals" context didn't work for you.  In the future
post a file that compiles!  I had to populate the contexts
with notes anyway to test the problem.

- Mark

* * * * * * * * * *

\version "2.12.3"

global = { \time 3/4 }

OrganRHOne = { g'2 }
OrganRHTwo = { e'2 }
OrganLHOne = { c'2 }
OrganLHTwo = { g2 }
OrganLHThree = { c2 }

\new PianoStaff <<
  \context Staff = upper <<
    \context Voice = OrganRHi <<
    \context Voice = OrganRHii <<

  \context Staff = lower <<
    \clef bass
    \context Voice = OrganLHi <<
    \context Voice = Pedals <<


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