  I encounter a strange problem on my harp part. THe message is:
programming error: no note heads for the line spanner on neighbor line? 
It is very strange because, although it seems to be the problem of the last 
glissando, when I commented out all previous music, it has no problem, and if I 
comment out the glissando, the previous music is also ok. It means that these 
two portions can either exist, but not both. Could anyone point out what's 
wrong? Sorry, I can't provide a shorter example, because the problem is caused 
by the whole part.

\version "2.13.24"

headsOn = \sequential {
  \override Dots #'transparent = ##t
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
  \override Beam  #'transparent = ##t
headsOff = \sequential {
  \revert Dots #'transparent
  \revert Stem #'transparent
  \revert Beam #'transparent
str = \change Staff = rh
stl = \change Staff = lh

  harprh = \relative c' {
    \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/4
    R2.*6 |
    \time 5/4 R1*5/4 | R1*5/4 |
    \time 9/8 R1*9/8*3 | \time 5/4 R1*5/4*5 |
    \time 9/8 R1*9/8*3 | \time 5/4 R1*5/4 | R1*5/4 | R1*5/4^\fermataMarkup \bar "||"
    R1*5/4*8 |
    R1*5/4_\markup { \harp-pedal #"^^-|-^--" } |
    s1*5/4 |
    R1*5/4*7_\markup { \harp-pedal #"vv-|-vv-" } |
    \time 3/4
    R2.*7 |
    r4 r8 \tag #'score { \autoBeamOff b32[\mf\< cis dis e fis gis a32*6]\glissando |
      \time 5/4
      \autoBeamOn dis'4\!\f r r r2 | }
    \tag #'midi { \times 12/16 { b,,32\mf\< cis dis e fis gis a b cis dis e fis gis a b cis } |
      \time 5/4
      dis4\!\f r r r2 | }
    R1*5/4*5_\markup { \harp-pedal #"---|^--^" } |
    \time 9/8
    R1*9/8*11 |
    \time 5/4
    <g,, b,>2.\laissezVibrer r2 |
    R1*5/4^\markup { "B" \smaller \flat } | R1*5/4^\fermataMarkup \bar "||"
    \key ees \major \time 4/4
    \tag #'score { <g ees bes g>1\arpeggio | R1 |
      <f c aes>\arpeggio |
      <aes ees c>\arpeggio |
      <g ees c>\arpeggio |
      <aes f ees c>\arpeggio |
      <a f ees c>\arpeggio |
      <bes f d>\arpeggio | }
    \tag #'midi { r16 g,64 bes ees g ~ g8 ~ g2. | R1 |
      r16 \times 2/3 { aes,32 c f ~ } f8 ~ f2. |
      r16 \times 2/3 { c32 ees aes ~ } aes8 ~ aes2. |
      r16 \times 2/3 { c,32 ees g ~ } g8 ~ g2. |
      r16 c,64 ees f aes ~ aes8 ~ aes2. |
      r16 c,64 ees f a ~ a8 ~ a2. |
      r16 \times 2/3 { d,32 f bes ~ } bes8 ~ bes2. | }
    r4 bes, <ees bes> <f bes,> |
    r <g bes,> <f bes,> <ees bes> |
    r c <ees c> <f c> |
    r <f aes,> <ees aes,> <des aes> |
    r <f aes,> <ees aes,> <des aes> |
    r f <bes f> <g ees> |
    r <f aes,> r <f aes,> |
    r <aes des, aes> <f des aes>2 |
    r4 <f ees> <bes d,>2 |
    s1*6 |
    s2 \tag #'score { <c a e>4\arpeggio }
      \tag #'midi { r16 \times 2/3 { e,32 a c ~ } c8 } r4 |
    s1*8 |
    \tag #'score { <bes aes f d>2\arpeggio }
      \tag #'midi { r16 d,64 f aes bes ~ bes4. }
      r2_\markup { \harp-pedal #"--^|^--^" } |
    r \stl \tag #'score { \headsOn bes,,8\glissando \str f''\glissando \stl bes,4\glissando | }
      \tag #'midi { \times 8/15 { bes,32 c d ees f g aes bes c d ees f ees d c } \times 16/21 { bes64 c d ees f g aes bes c d ees f g aes bes c d ees f g aes } | }
    \str \headsOff bes4 r r2 | R1*8 |
    R1*3_\markup { \harp-pedal #"---|----" }  |
    g,,4\p^\flageolet r r2 | 
    R1 | R1^\fermataMarkup |
    R1*3 |
    g'4^\flageolet r r2 |
    r2 \times 2/3 { g8-> g,4 } r4 |
    \times 2/3 { g'8->\> g,4 } r4 \times 2/3 { g'8->\!\pp g,4 } r4^\fermataMarkup \bar "||"
    \key c \major \time 3/4
    R2.*4 |
    \time 4/4
    R1 | R1 |
    \time 3/4
    R2. | R2. |
    \time 5/4
    R1*5/4 | R1*5/4 |
    \time 9/8 R1*9/8*3 |
    \time 5/4 R1*5/4*5 |
    \time 9/8 R1*9/8*3 |
    \time 5/4
    R1*5/4*5 |
    R1*5/4*21 \bar "||"
    \time 3/4
    R2.*21 |
    R2.*6 |
    \time 4/4
    R1*8 |
    \time 2/2
    R1 |
    \stl \tag #'score { \headsOn g,,4\glissando \str d''\glissando \stl g,2\glissando | }
      \tag #'midi { \times 8/15 { g,16 a b c d e f g a b c d c b a } \times 16/21 { g32 a b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c d e f } | }
    \str \headsOff g4 r r2 | R1*15 |

  harplh = \relative c {
    \clef bass \key c \major
    R2.*6 | R1*5/4 | R1*5/4 |
    R1*9/8*3 | R1*5/4*5 |
    R1*9/8*3 | R1*5/4 | R1*5/4 | R1*5/4^\fermataMarkup \bar "||"
    R1*5/4*9 |
    \tag #'score { a32\mf\<^"gliss." b ces des e fes g a32*13\glissando \str \headsOn b'''8*4\!\>\glissando \stl a,,,,8\! \headsOff | }
    \tag #'midi { \times 20/30 { a16\mf\< b32 b cis e e g a b b cis e e g a b b cis e e g a b b cis e e g a }
      \times 16/25 { b\!\f\> a g e e cis b b a g e e cis b b a g e e cis b b a g e } e64 cis b b a16\!\mf | }
    R1*5/4*7 |
    R2.*8 | R1*5/4*6 |
    R1*9/8*11 |
    <g d'>2.\laissezVibrer r2 |
    R1*5/4 | R1*5/4^\fermataMarkup \bar "||"
    \key ees \major
    \tag #'score { <ees bes' ees>1\arpeggio | R1 |
      <f c' f>\arpeggio |
      <aes ees' aes>\arpeggio |
      <c g' c>\arpeggio |
      <aes ees' aes>\arpeggio |
      <f c' f>\arpeggio |
      <bes f' bes>2.\arpeggio <bes, bes'>4 | }
    \tag #'midi { \times 2/3 { ees32 bes' ees ~ } ees2... | R1 |
      \times 2/3 { f,32 c' f ~ } f2... |
      \times 2/3 { aes,32 ees' aes ~ } aes2... |
      \times 2/3 { c,32 g' c ~ } c2... |
      \times 2/3 { aes,32 ees' aes ~ } aes2... |
      \times 2/3 { f,32 c' f ~ } f2... |
      \times 2/3 { bes,32 f' bes ~ } bes8. ~ bes2 <bes,, bes'>4 | }
    ees8 bes' g' bes, g' bes, g' bes, |
    ees, bes' g' bes, g' bes, g' bes, |
    f c' aes' c, aes' c, aes' c, |
    des, aes' f' aes, f' aes, f' aes, |
    f des' f des f des f des |
    c, g'' c g c g c g |
    f, c' f c ees, c' f c |
    des, aes' f' aes, f'2 |
    bes,8 f' bes f bes f aes, f' |
    \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
    \times 2/3 { ges,([ des' ges] \str bes[ des ees] bes'[ ges ees] \stl des[ bes ges)] } |
    \times 2/3 { f,([ des' f] \str bes[ des f] des'[ bes f] \stl bes,[ f bes,)] } |
    \times 2/3 { a([ e' a] \str cis[ e fis] cis'[ a fis] \stl e[ cis a)] } |
    \times 2/3 { gis,([ e' gis] \str cis[ e gis] e'[ cis gis] \stl e[ b e,)] } |
    \times 2/3 { a,([ e' a] \str c[ e a] c[ a e] \stl c[ a e)] } |
    \times 2/3 { g,([ e' a] \str c[ e a] c[ a e] \stl c[ a e)] } |
    \times 2/3 { fis,([ e' a] \str c[ e a)] }
      \stl \tag #'score { <fis, c'>4\arpeggio }
        \tag #'midi { fis32 c'8.. } f,,4 |
    \times 2/3 { e8([ b' e] \str a[ b e)] \stl e,([ b' e] \str gis[ b e)] } |
    \stl \times 2/3 { g,,,([ d' g] \str b[ d e] b'[ g e] \stl d[ b g)] } |
    \times 2/3 { fis,([ d' fis] \str ces'[ d fis] d'[ ces fis,] \stl ces[ fis, ces)] } |
    \times 2/3 { bes([ f' bes] \str d[ f g] d'[ bes g] \stl f[ d bes)] } |
    \times 2/3 { a,([ f' a] \str d[ f a] f'[ c a] \stl f[ c f,)] } |
    \times 2/3 { bes,([ f' bes] \str des[ f bes)] \stl a,,([ f' bes] \str des[ f bes)] } |
    \stl \times 2/3 { aes,,([ f' bes] \str des[ f bes)] \stl g,,([ f' bes] \str des[ f bes)] } |
    \stl \times 2/3 { ges,,([ f' bes] \str des[ f bes)] \stl f,,([ des' bes'] \str des[ f bes)] } |
    \stl \tag #'score { <e, aes bes>2\arpeggio }
      \tag #'midi { \times 2/3 { e,32 aes bes ~ } bes4.. } r2 |
    r2 s | R1*9 |
    R1*5 | R1^\fermataMarkup |
    R1*5 | R1^\fermataMarkup \bar "||"
    \key c \major
    R2.*4 | R1 | R1 |
    R2. | R2. | R1*5/4 | R1*5/4 |
    R1*9/8*3 | R1*5/4*5 |
    R1*9/8*3 | R1*5/4*5 |
    R1*5/4*21 \bar "||"
    R2.*21 |
    R2.*6 | R1*8 |
    R1 | s1 |
    R1*16 |

  dynamics = {
    s2.*6 | s1*5/4*2 |
    s1*9/8*3 | s1*5/4*5 |
    s1*9/8*3 | s1*5/4*3 \bar "||"
    s1*5/4*17 | s2.*8 | s1*5/4*6 |
    s1*9/8*11 | s1*5/4*3\p \bar "||"
    s1*14\mp | s1\< | s\!\mf\> | s2. s4\!\mp |
    s1*2 | s\< | s\mf\< | s1\!\f\> | s2 s\!\mp |
    s1*4 | s1*2\mf | s2 s\> | s1\!\mp | s2 s\f |
    s1*9 | s1*12 \bar "||"
    s2.*4 | s1*2 | s2.*2 | s1*5/4*2 |
    s1*9/8*3 | s1*5/4*5 |
    s1*9/8*3 | s1*5/4*5 |
    s1*5/4*21 \bar "||"
    s2.*21 | s2.*6 | s1*8 |
    s1 | s1\mp\< | s1*16\!\ff |

  \score {
    \new PianoStaff = "harp" <<
      \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Harp"
      \set PianoStaff.shortInstrumentName = "Hrp."
      \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
      \new Staff = "rh" { \keepWithTag #'score \harprh }
      \new Dynamics { \dynamics }
      \new Staff = "lh" { \keepWithTag #'score \harplh }
    \layout { }

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