Peter Buhr wrote:
> My experience is that a whole note is inappropriate.  Assume a
> guitar and a bar with 4 notes.  The first note is accented
> (drone) to ring for the duration of the bar (or possibly
> longer).  The 4 notes have to add up to the time signature or
> lilypond complains or generates the wrong bar.  Even if black
> magic is used to make lilypond produce the output with the first
> note being a whole note, it is confusing to the player that the
> notes don't add up to the time signature.  I think it is simpler
> for the composer, the player, and lilypond if the notes are
> correct as played and a laissezVibrer is used to indicate the
> longer duration of a note.  A specific context can be heard
> here:

There are plenty of decent ways of notating this without
\laissezVibrer, depending on the level of polyphony you're
willing to notate (see below).  By the way, the second note
is E, not A (for the first two riffs at least).  Great

- Mark

* * * * * * * * * *

\version "2.13.34"

letRing = \markup { \italic "let ring" }

\new Staff {
    \relative e' {
      r16 e^\letRing e' a, d a e' a, c a e' a, b a e a |
    \relative a {
      a1 |

\new Staff {
    \relative e' {
      r16 e^\letRing e' a, d a e' a, c a e' a, b a e a |
    \relative a {
      a2.. e'8 |

\new Staff {
    \relative a {
      a16^\letRing e' e' a, d a e' a, c a e' a, b a e a |
    \relative a {
      a2.. e'8 |

\new Staff {
    \relative e'' {
      \once \override Rest #'staff-position = #5
      r8 e d e c e b4 |
    \relative a {
      a2.. e'8 |
    \relative e' {
      \once \override Rest #'staff-position = #0
      r16 e^\letRing e' a, d a e' a,
      c a e' a, b[ a] \stemUp e a |

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