
Here is my revised version of that song.  I've done some not-so-pretty
things with the syllables to fit them with the notes, and I know there
are lots more elegant things you can do with that, but essentially the
song is now mostly correct (at least the way I've sung it lo these
many, many years.  If I needed a paper copy for a group, I wouldn't be
ashamed to hand this to them.

\version "2.13.30"

\include ""

\header {
 subtitle = "Peace Prayer of St. Francis"
 composer = "Sebastian Temple"
 % Remove default LilyPond tagline
 tagline = ##f

\paper {
 #(set-paper-size "letter")

global = {
 \key c \major
 \time 2/2

oneTwo = \relative c'' {
 \repeat volta 2 {
 r4 e,4 e e e e f g e1 ( e2)
 r4 g,4 e' e e e e e f g d1 ( d2)
 r4 g,4 f' f f f f f g a f1 ( f2)
 r4 g,4 f' f f f e2 d }
 %\repeat volta 2
 \alternative  { {c1 ( c)^\markup "Fine"} { c1 ( c2) } }
  r4 c4 a' a a a a a b c g1 ( g2)
 r4 g4 f f f f f e f g e2 ( f g)
 r4 c,4 c a' a a r4 a a b c g1 ( g2)
 r4 e4 e d2 d4 fs4 a a g fs g2 ( a b1)^\markup "D.C."

three = \relative c'' {


four = \relative c'' {

 r4 e,4 e e e e f g e1 ( e2)
 r4 g,4 e' e e e e e f g d4 d2.( d2)
 r4 g,4 f' f f f f f g a f1 ( f2)
 r4 g4 g f f f f f f8 f e4 d c1

verseOne = \lyricmode {
 \set stanza = "1."
 Make me a chan -- nel of your peace. __
 Where there is hat -- red, let me bring your love. __
 Where there is in -- ju -- ry, your par -- don, Lord. __
 And where there's doubt, true faith in you. __

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
 \set stanza = "2."
 Make me a chan -- nel of your peace. __
 Where there's de -- spair in life, let me bring hope __
 Where there is darkness \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4  on -- ly light, __
 And where there's sad -- ness, ev -- er \skip 1 joy. __
 O Mas -- ter, grant that I may nev -- er seek __
 So much to be con -- soled as to con -- sole. __
 To be un -- der -- stood as to un -- der -- stand. __
 To be loved, as to love, with all my soul. __

verseThree = \lyricmode {
 \set stanza = "3."


verseFour = \lyricmode {
 \set stanza = "4."
 Make me a chan -- nel of your peace. __
 It is in par -- don -- ing that we are par-doned. __
 In giv -- ing to all men that we re -- ceive, --
 And-in dy -- ing that we're born-to_e -- ter-nal life.

\score {
   \new Staff { \oneTwo }
   \addlyrics { \verseOne }
   \addlyrics { \verseTwo }
   \addlyrics { \verseFour}


 \layout {
   indent = 0.0
   \context {
     \remove "Bar_number_engraver"

By the way, thanks for doing the initial leg-work for this.   Let me
know how you make out (or send me your final .ly file when you're


Fr. Gordon Gilbert
Penetanguishene, ON

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