Yes, you perfectly understood me. But using chords is totally impractical for 
me as I already have the individual voices as LilyPond code.

I tried as you described below and I'm getting a little closer. However, there 
are still some problems, one of which you can see in the attached example: the 
final chord consisting of two eighth notes actually looks like a sixteenth note 

\override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
is just to suppress the collision warnings, right?


% example

\version "2.12.3"

global = {
        \clef treble
        \time 2/2
        \key g \dorian

soprano = \relative c''' {
        g4 g d4. e8 |

alto = \relative c'' {
        b4 c b4. c8 |

tenor = \relative c'' {
        g4 g g2 |

\score {
        \new Staff <<
                \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
                \new Voice { \soprano }
                \new Voice { \alto }
                \new Voice { \tenor }

Attachment: untitled.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Am 30.12.2010 um 11:21 schrieb Phil Holmes:

> Just checking - you can obviously do what you want from a presentation 
> perspective, since you've provided an example that looks like it came from 
> LilyPond.  I presume you did this using chords, but you want to avoid using 
> chords in your application?
> The way I would do this would be to use:
> \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
> and then set the alto and soprano parts in voiceOne, and the tenor part in 
> voiceTwo.  You do not need to set these for the duration of the piece, so 
> when you cross the tenor part to the other stave, you can put the command 
> \voiceTwo in the alto part and it will now be set into the second voice. You 
> can also set \voiceOne for the tenor part.  You may also want to do:
> \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##f
> at the same point.
> Let us know how you get on.
> --
> Phil Holmes
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tobias Braun" <>
> To: "Phil Holmes" <>
> Cc: <>; "LilyPond User Group" <>
> Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 1:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Staff change in piano music - a general approach?
> Sorry about the "reply all" thing, I forgot that.
> I wasn't aware I was sending an HTML e-mail, sorry. That must have been my 
> webmail client.
> What I actually want to achieve is to have it look as uncluttered as 
> possible. It should be easy to read when playing it on the piano. I'd 
> basically like to merge all three voices into as few stems as possible. E.g. 
> the notes of the first beat in measure 1 which basically form a chord 
> consisting of three notes of the same duration played at the same time should 
> appear as "stacked", not next to each other. There is no need to be able to 
> distinguish the individual voices.
> As this is kind of hard to describe, please have a look at the attached PDF. 
> I guess I'd prefer the first measure to look like "Variant 1", but "Variant 
> 2" would be acceptable as well. (I achieved this sample PDF through <> chord 
> syntax, which is not of much use to me as I already have the individual 
> voices in continuous form.)
> Regards,
> Tobias 

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