Hello List,

this is a very cool snippet! I also thought of trying this excersize ... perhaps tomorrow ;-)
I think it should be posted to LSR!
There is one thing I tried: If you have markups in your lyrics:

words = \lyricmode { This is my ex -- am -- ple \markup { \italic text } }

this function will fail.
Perhaps someone is willing to play this scheme-game a bit further?

Best regards,

On 18.01.2011 12:56, jakob lund wrote:
2011/1/18 Marc Hohl<m...@hohlart.de>:
Am 15.01.2011 21:51, schrieb Neil Puttock:
On 15 January 2011 19:01, Marc Hohl<m...@hohlart.de>    wrote:

Now I wonder whether it is possible to create a kind of text book by
including the lyrics in a markup, perhaps with a scheme function which
replaces the " -- " by "".

Is it possible to store the text in a variable?

For simplicity I've ignored hyphens, but it shouldn't be too difficult
to add them (or use their position in the list of strings to restore
the hyphenated words).
This is what I got so far:

\version "2.13.46"

words = \lyricmode { This is my ex -- am -- ple text }

#(define (lyrics->list lyrics)
"Return a flat list containing all syllables and hyphens from
   (let ((extracted-list
          (if (ly:music? lyrics)
              (if (memq (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) '(LyricEvent
                  (begin (if (eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name)
                             (list (ly:music-property lyrics 'text))
                             (list "--")))
                  (let ((elt (ly:music-property lyrics 'element))
                        (elts (ly:music-property lyrics 'elements)))
                    (if (ly:music? elt)
                        (lyrics->list elt)
                        (if (null? elts)
                            (map (lambda(x)
                                    (lyrics->list x))
     (flatten-list extracted-list)))

text = #(lyrics->list words)

melody = \relative c' { c4 d e f | g a c2 }

\new Voice { \melody }
\addlyrics { \words }

#(markup* (make-line-markup text))

The function liyrics->list extracts the syllables and the hyphens.


The second part (eliminating the hyphens in the list and concatenate the
syllables) seems a bit harder, but I try to find a solution.
That's a nice scheme exercise... The following would work (but not if
there are consecutive hyphens)

#(define (reduce-hyphens text)
          ;; Define initial first-word 'wd' and remaining-words 'wds'
          (let eat ((wd (car text)) (wds (cdr text)))
                    ;; Last syllable reached: Terminate recursion
                    ((null? wds) (list wd))
                    ((and (equal? "--" (car wds)) (not (null? (cdr wds))))
                     ;; The first remaining word is a hyphen AND there
is a syllable after that
                     ;; Concatenate that syllable onto wd, and recurse
                     (eat (string-concatenate (list wd (cadr wds))) (cddr wds)))
                    ;; Not a hyphen, just use wd as the first word on
the list, and then recurse.
                    (else (cons wd (eat (car wds) (cdr wds)))))))

#(define (lyrics->text lyrics) (reduce-hyphens (lyrics->list lyrics)))

text = #(lyrics->text words)




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