
-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre Chépélov <pie...@chepelov.org>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 01:08:55 -0800
To: "lilypond-user@gnu.org" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Subject: 4-lines staff, and Vaticana clefs

>I'm trying to use Mensural notation with only four lines staves:
>\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #4
>This works, but the regular [i.e. Mensural] clef is then shown on a space,
>not on its proper line.
>When using a Vaticana clef instead:
>\clef "vaticana-fa1"
>then it is correct (on the line).
>I also tried using a Mensural (or a modern) clef in a VaticanaVoice, then
>also the clefs are shown on a space instead of a line.
>Indeed, the Vaticana or 4-lines staff tool seems to take a regular 5-line
>staff, and replace its lines by spaces and its spaces by lines. And the
>Vaticana clefs are designed to be on a normal staff's spaces...
>Musically, this is a nonsense: the 4-line staff should be a 5-line staff
>without the 5th line! , And it forbids to mix the notations.
>Is there any solution for that?

Is this any help?





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