
I have tried, I mean REALLY tried, I've spent the last hour putting in
random numbers and trying to fathom the 'logic' of the

It really is just too confusing, the descriptions need at the very least
some @lilypond (maybe this will now be possible with Graham's recent
lilybook checkin that I can help improve this for others who MUST also be
scratching their heads), but for now...

I have a two score blocks in my .ly file and the structure is:


\header {}

\paper {}

MusicMain = {}

MusicCoda = {}

\score {

\score {


I have no \layout {}

All I want, and it isn't a lot to ask ;) is a bigger gap between the last
line MusicMain and the first line of MusicCoda without interfering (that
much if possible) with the space within each individual \score itself.
That's it.

All I end up doing is spreading both systems out with no extra gap in
between the two.

So can someone tell me (and they don't have to tell me numbers or tell me
where to put the variable - I get that bit) WHICH flippin'
staff-staff-thingy-dooby variable I am supposed to use?

Or have I read this wrong entirely and these spacing variables don't do
what  I think they do.

In which case I am sorry.


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