
)-----Original Message-----
)From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org
)[mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org] On
)Behalf Of Robin Bannister
)Sent: 04 March 2011 10:32
)To: Tim McNamara; lilypond-user lilypond-user
)Subject: Re: How to do jazz-style bar repeats
)Tim McNamara wrote:
)> I am not sure how to actually use this in a file.
)The multimeasure.ly has four sections;
)  the first two are needed to define inlineMMRN,
)  the last two give an example of using \inlineMMRN.
)The example I used is a rough skeleton of Blessed Relief, whose last part
)corresponds to your bar-repeats.pdf.
)So multimeasure.ly is a standalone snippet producing a pdf with
)44 bars of spacer rests (up to rehearsal mark [E]) followed by
)24 bars of inlineMMRN usage (held in the "solos" variable).
)All those 68 bars showed up at the top of your own pdf.
)You don't need these example sections in your file, just the first two:
)"whiteunder" and "inlineMMRN".
)So either paste in just these two or comment out the last two.
)Then you have to apply inlineMMRN at each place you want it to be
)> You ask for a multi-measure rest (big R) and let \inlineMMRN move its
)> count down into the staff.
)So for 6 bars of 4/4 time you need R1*6 - like this
)> \inlineMMRN R1*6
)And for decent horizontal proportions you need to modify #'minimum-

Maybe an email got lost somewhere but the mails I got on this thread jumped 
from a 'how do I' to a 'thanks that's really helpful' without anything in 

I think whatever the outcome of this 'hack/workaround', will be really useful 
on the LilyPond Snippet Repository for other users. So I just didn't want this 
to be 'lost'.


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