Am 12.03.2011 21:39, schrieb Carl Sorensen:
[1] Searching the internet, there seems to be the general opinion
that mandolins aren't supposed to play chords at all, but it sounds
cool ;-)
A quick search for "mandolin chords" on google showed lots of places with
chord diagrams for mandolin.  I'm sure that we'd welcome the addition of
predefined-mandolin-fretboards.  I don't play the mandolin, so I'm probably
not the guy to do it, but I'd be happy to provide advice.
Me neither; I play guitar, but at the school I am teaching, there were
three mandolins lying around, and with some creaning and a new set of strings,
two of them can be played. Meanwhile, I am writing a new musical with some
medieval elements in it, and so I tried to include the mandolin, may it be
historically correct or not (I think the audience won't care, anyway).
The chords at
I was at, and IIRC in the forum there was a more or less strong opinion against playing chords with mandolins, but you've just proven it wrong.
would be very useful as chord shapes, since they have no open strings and
can therefore be moved all around the fretboard to play whatever root is

Do you want to move toward that?
With the chord shapes you provided, I'll give it a try.



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