>>>>> "David" == David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

David> A fixed ratio seems a mistake to me: like optical scaling of
David> fonts, the ratio should depend on the length of the note as
David> well as the speed of the piece.  And one does not want to have
David> chords end early in one voice merely because the voice had a
David> longer note starting the chord.

I agree, but that's really hard to implement.  Maybe if Grahame's
virtual violinist can turn into a virtual orchestra, and interpret
music properly (instead of just playing whatever Lilypond produces
like a robotic MIDI player)....  but I think that's a long way off.

As it is, you can adjust the shortening of the notes for non-legato
playing as you wish.  In practice playing in a small group, the only
time when we really care about different voices ending at different
times is on the final chord of a cadence:  and cadences usually fall at the
end of a phrase marked with a phrasing slur or are explicitly marked
tenuto so it isn't an issue.  I can see there could be problems in
some music though.

Dr Peter Chubb                                  peter DOT chubb AT nicta.com.au
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au               ERTOS within National ICT Australia
All things shall perish from under the sky/Music alone shall live, never to die

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