Thank you very much, Carl, for your advice! I have made an interesting observation, though: If minimum-distance is set instead of basic-distance, the numbers are aligned at the top staff.
Is this somehow intended behaviour?


%%%%% Begin lilypond code

\version "2.13.58"

notes = \repeat unfold 20 { a4 b c b }

text = \lyricmode {
  \repeat unfold 20 { bla bla bla bla }

numbers = \figuremode {
  \repeat unfold 20 {<3 5>4<4 6>  <_+>  <7>  }

\layout {
  \context {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = #DOWN
  \context {
%    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'default-staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance 
= #20
    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'default-staff-staff-spacing 
#'minimum-distance = #20

\score {
    \new Staff {
      \new Voice = "one" \relative c'' \notes
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto one \text %% Comment this out
    \new FiguredBass \numbers
    \new Staff { \clef bass \relative c \notes }

%%%%% End lilypond code

Oops, my mistake.  I should have said default-staff-staff-spacing.

The reason why the Lyrics causes problems is because it comes between the
FiguredBass and the staff above, so it's used for calculating the spacing.

The real surprise to me is that the 'padding value works at all.  Non-staff
lines are supposed to be placed in *after* the staves are already placed.



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