Hi David,

2011/6/9 David Nalesnik <dnale...@umail.iu.edu>:
> In the example below, I would like to have the quarter-note stems
> joined from one staff to the other, with the stem direction of the
> eighth-note figure pointing up.  (Down would look better in my
> example, but I do need this particular arrangement for a more complex
> passage.) Trouble is, the quarter-note stems in the lower staff will
> not extend beyond the beam and the stems won’t join.  (Varying the
> stem-length override just pushes the staves further apart.)  The
> attached image shows the problem.

Do you want something like in the attachment?
I suggest this code:

\version "2.13.61" %didn't check it in 2.14.0. but i don't anticipate
any surprises

top = \relative c' {
   { r4
     \override  Stem #'cross-staff = ##t
     \override Stem #'length = #21
     \override Stem #'Y-offset = #-7
     \override  NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
     e e e }
   { s4
     \change Staff = "bottom"
     c, c c

bottom = \relative c' {
 \clef bass
 \voiceOne % similar results with \voiceThree or \stemUp
 g8 a g a g a g a

\new PianoStaff <<
 \new Staff = "top" {
 \new Staff = "bottom" {

<<attachment: something like this.png>>

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