On 10. juni 2011 04:04, MING TSANG wrote:
Thank you for your reply.
I follow your suggestion steps, I got the following error. I am new to
linux world (approx. one month). I have a hard time copying out terminal

That should be easy - if you write your email message on the same machine:

1. Start writing the mail message where you want to show us
   the error.
2. Mark the error text using the mouse.
   a. Put mouse cursor over the beginning of the text
   b. Hold down button one
   c. Drag along the text, you should see it getting selected
   d. release the mouse button
   Now, the message is highlighted
3. Put the mouse cursor over the email message, and press the
   third mouse button. This causes the highlighted error text
   to be copied into the email message.
   If your mouse doesn't have a third button, press the other
   two simultaneously instead.

This is how you copy just about any text from one app to another in
linux. The method is different from windows, but much quicker.

If you're writing your mail on another machine, paste the error messages into a file instead. Then transfer the file to where you write your mail.

sh: can't open lilypond-2.14.0-1.linux-x86.sh

Try the "ls" command. Is the file lilypond-2.14.0-1.linux-x86.sh there?
Maybe you mis-spelled it?

If the file isn't there, use the "cd" command to move to the correct directory first. Then use "ls" to check. Web browsers tend to put files in a directory named "Downloads".

If the file is there, avoid mis-spelling by using tab completion. Type
something like:

sh lilypond-2.14

then press the TAB key. Linux should now fill out the rest of the filename so you don't have to. This saves time and avoids tyiping errors. It works provided that there is only one file where the name starts with "lilypond-2.14"

arpeggio chord midi sound was not produced on 2.12.3 either.

I don't think lilypond's midi output is capable of making arpeggio sound yet. So you can print scores with arpeggio symbols, but the midi won't do that.

To get arpeggio in midi, write the arpeggio out using ties.

Scroll down to "Using ties with arpeggios"

Something similiar can be done do get realistic guitar sound. A guitarist doesn't normally hit all the strings at the same time, but the lilypond midi guitar do...

Helge Hafting

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