On 7/10/11 8:34 AM, "Bernardo Barros" <bernardobarr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm a fan of the SVG backend, because it allows an absolute final
> touch in the score,
> and realized that PostScript can not be very compatible with svg.
> So, also in this case, a Font is a better options then PostScript little
> hacks.

If you use path hacks, instead of PostScript hacks, they will come out in
the SVG output.  But a font is still probably the best.

> I would like to ask some initial guidelines for which tools to use on Linux.
> I believe that FontForge would be the best option, but would like to
> hear suggestions from other users of this list.

MetaFont/MetaPost is what the current LilyPond distribution uses.

If you want to have your font exist outside of Feta, you can use any tools
you want.  But in order to get it into LilyPond, we'll have to improve our
font-handling architecture.  See



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