On 31 July 2011 07:10, ehzone <ehz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Xavier, let me first say thank you for the response.
> When I process this file with lilypond, I do get the lyrics between
> the staves and you are correct that the lyrics aren't aligned to the
> music.
> When I attempt to align the lyrics to the music by uncommenting the
> \lyricsto "first" line as you suggest then the 2nd verse of lyrics
> does align but it does so starting at the second quarter note of the
> measure and not the first; the lyrics are off by one quarter note.
> The exact code I used is posted below.  How do I get lilypond to align
> the 2nd verse starting on the first note of the measure?

Right, I forgot about this (and I did not try my own suggested code
with \lyricsto ).
Remove \lyricsto and use associatedVoice instead.  Now it works (this
time I tested it!).

%%%% Snippet

  % […]
  << { sea sea sea sea }
    \new Lyrics = "lyricsSecond" \with {
      % as suggested by XS
      alignBelowContext = "lyricsFirst"
      associatedVoice = "first"
    } {
      mi  mi  mi  mi
  >> |
  d d d d
  % […]



Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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