On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Karl Hammar <k...@aspodata.se> wrote:

> One does not really want macros nor preprocessors, since it munges
> up error reporting.

Which one does not want them? :-)

Seriously,  I understand and, to a great extent,  sympathize with that
point of view -- especially when it involves incorporating macros into
program code.  OTOH, a little text substitution, used judiciously,  is
very often the simplest approach for working around the inelegant
corners that occur in even the best designed languages.

I'm speaking of making life a little simpler for LilyPond users,  a
large fraction of whom are savvy programmers.   Speaking for myself,
I'm pretty certain I can make good choices about when and when not to
use macros.


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