On 7 December 2011 02:58, huzzam <clari...@huzzam.com> wrote:
> Hi--
> I'm fairly new to lilypond, and am starting to write my own ly files to
> include. I want to put them somewhere that will be accessible easily from
> any score (user defaults). The only place I've so far been able to find to
> put them is inside the lilypond application package itself
> (/Applications/Lilypond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/current/ly).
> This obviously is annoying when I upgrade lilypond, as I have to dig in
> there and copy my files to the new one.
> Is there some place I can put them so that I can still just "\include
> asdf.ly" (without a path), but which is not inside the package itself?
> Something along the lines of ~/Library/lilypond or /usr/share/lilypond?

There is not such features in LilyPond yet (but I'd love this too).
Denis made a similar request on lilypond-devel a few days ago.
No developer replied at the moment; I hope one will say something
about it.  Then I suppose it could be added to the tracker (cc: to
bug-lilypond) as a new feature request.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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