----- Original Message ----- From: "Hwaen Ch'uqi" <hwaench...@gmail.com>
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 12:12 PM
Subject: Ossia requiring an entire PianoStaff, urgent.

Greetings All,
  I am entering a composition competition for piano duo, and I have
but a few days before I must submit my score. As one will see from the
excerpt of the practical score, the Primo part, begining from m.42,
includes an ossia for the left hand. Simultaneously, the Secondo part
includes an ossia for both hands, thus requiring another PianoStaff
context. Though the ossia sections of the 2.14.2 NR do not show
instances of ossias requiring another PianoStaff context, the result
seems fairly acceptable. However, when all is combined into a full
score, one will quickly see that a problem arises -- namely, that the
ossia of the Primo appears below the entire system of music. I have a
notion that the answer lies somewhere in the explanation of NR 5.1.7,
though I cannot exactly find the direct application to my situation. I
would be most grateful for any suggestions. I have also included the
.ly file for the first 54 measures of the full score. Apart from the
indication of pageBreaks, the code for the individual parts is exactly
preserved from their respective .ly files. Many thanks.
Hwaen Ch'uqi

2 suggestions: 1) when you're trying to sort out complex layout problems like this, it's very much easier to get rid of almost all the notes and do it with an absolute minimum of other stuff, except the staves you're trying to get right. 2) it looks to me like you have 2 staves called up and 2 called down. I'd suggest calling them upone and uptwo and then trying to align the ossias to the desired stave. Not tested. If this doesn't work, see 1).

Phil Holmes

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