
On 5 March 2012 17:57, Robert Thompson <robert_thomp...@xplornet.ca> wrote:
> I've used Lilypond a few times and been generally impressed. However, there
> is one thing I cannot figure out: how do I leave a vertical blank space
> between lines of music? For example, if I'm transcribing a chart that has a
> D.S. al coda, I'd like an inch  or so of space between the main chart and
> the coda.
> This seems like such an obvious requirement, and I apologize if my befuddled
> brain hasn't recognized it in any of the documentation.

The way I do it is to create a separate \score { } for my main piece
and for my coda.

Then you can use 'score-system-spacing'


Something like

\version "2.14.2"

musicMain= { a b c d ... }

musicCoda = { e f g h ...}

\score {

\score {

\paper {
score-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20

Then I also use

ragged-last-bottom in my \paper variable as set to #t else that
interferes with the overall gap I want by 'pulling' the coda to the
bottom regardless.

That works for me.

This also indents the coda as it is a new \score, by default but if
you don't want that you can just add indent = 0\mm to your \paper (I
think, I haven't tried that specifically but I think it will work).

Anyway, I hope you get the idea.



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