At Wed, 14 Mar 2012 12:00:47 -0400, wrote:
> On 14 March 2012 03:01, Keith OHara <> wrote:
> > Off topic, LilyPond now places the dots equally-spaced from the
> > noteheads, in that particular example.
> > <>
> > Previously, LilyPond put them all in one column because that was
> > easier to program than figuring out when dots need to avoid noteheads
> > in another voice.
> What happens if I want the old behaviour?  Do I have to move the
> Dot_column_engraver back to the Staff context and forgo the
> improvements in more complicated situations?
> The following example looks plain weird.  I've never seen any
> hand-engraved music align dots like this.
> \relative c'' << { c16.[ c32] } \\ { a2. } >>

I'll second that.

Simplifying the example from my blog post:

\relative c'' {
  \time 3/8
    { <d a'>4. <c g'> }
    { <f, c'>4. <e b'> }

In the first measure, if the dots for <d a'> appear above <f, c'>, then the 
performer would have to use some extra brain cycles to figure out that they are 
rhythmic dots and not staccato. (Of course, syntactically the lower dot 
couldn't really be staccato, but it helps if the layout clarifies this.)

I agree that the examples shown in the original report (especially the ones 
that look like they come from Bach solo violin pieces) are much improved, but 
this case would have to be a regression, I think.


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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