Interesting!  I do like these styles (per-system or
continuous-line) for Mike's and Jay's audio entries.
My audios, though, will be long -- Franck, Busoni,
etc. -- and may, if displaying only very local score
views at a time, hide "the forrest for the trees".

I'll experiment to see, probably, how much score
YouTube's box can display *readably* at once....

Thanks all for the feedback.  I'll look into kdenlive
first, along with the LilyPond extensions.


Jay Anderson wrote:
On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 8:58 AM, PMA<>  wrote:
I'm planning similar YouTube entries, i.e., music
performances sync'd with their score-page turns.

But this will be a first for me, and I see a hefty
bunch of (Linux) softwares for video editing.

If any of you has a favorite among those options
(or among how-to docs), I'd appreciate hearing.

I've done some similar videos which set the score in one continuous
horizontal line:

I haven't touched it in a couple months though. It was completely
automated after entering beats into the score and audio. If you're
interested I can try cleaning it up a bit. (I'm out for the weekend
though so I won't be able to respond for a few days). I'd be
interested to see how mike's scores would look in this format.


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