Am 11. April 2012 16:16 schrieb David Nalesnik <>:

> I believe the issue here is that the barline is considered to _begin_ the
> new measure rather than end the old one.  I can't think of a way around this
> except what James suggests.  (Then there's the issue of the staff lines
> underneath the bar line, to which I don't have a ready answer.)

Hi David,

how about inserting: \override Staff.BarLine #'layer = #10 in the \layout and
\once \override Staff.BarLine #'X-extent = #'(-0 . 0.5) for the
problematic BarLine.

Think it should do the trick:

\version "2.14.2"
#(set-global-staff-size 18.65)

\header {
       title = "System in different colors"

\language "deutsch"

staffVoice = \new Staff {
       \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
       \time 2/2
       \key f \major
       \clef treble
       \tempo 2=78
       \relative c' {
       \context Voice {
               \override Staff.Clef #'color = #red
               \override Staff.TimeSignature #'color = #red
               \override Staff.KeySignature #'color = #red
               \override NoteHead #'color = #red
               \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
               \override Stem #'color = #red
               \override DynamicText #'color = #red
               \override Tie #'color = #red
               \override TextScript #'color = #red
               \override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
               \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
               \partial 4*3
               <d' b>4^\markup{ \larger {Part 1}}_\f  <c a>
       \context Voice = "melodyVoi" {
%            \partial 4*3
           \revert Staff.Clef #'color
           \revert Staff.KeySignature #'color
           \revert Staff.BarLine #'color
           \revert Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color
           \revert Staff.StaffSymbol #'color
           \revert NoteHead #'color
           \revert Stem #'color
           \revert Tie #'color
           \revert DynamicText #'color
           c4\(_\mf h c\)
           \bar "||"
           <f c> <f c> <f c> <f c>
           <f c> <f c> <f c> <f c>
           <f c> <f c> <f c> <f c>
           <f c> %% ?????
       \context Voice = "melodyRep" {
           f1 R1
           \bar "|."
       \context Voice = "interlude" {
               \once \override Staff.BarLine #'X-extent = #'(-0 . 0.5) %% added
               \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
               \override SystemStartBar #'color = #black
               \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
               \override NoteHead #'color = #red
               \override Stem #'color = #red
               \override DynamicText #'color = #red
               \override Tie #'color = #red
               \override TextScript #'color = #red
               \override Accidental #'color = #red
               \override Rest #'color = #red
               \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
               f4^\markup { \larger {Part 3 }} e f g
               \override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red %% I moved this
               c,4 r <h f' g> r
               \bar "||"

\score {
       \layout {
                %% added
               \context {
                       \override BarLine #'layer = #10

\paper {}


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