Thank you!

Now I see the link at the bottom of the docs on Rehearsal marks to RehearsalMarks in the Internals Reference, and that page in turn lists font-size as a parameter.
Why is it always so obvious after the fact. Sigh.

Thanks again,

-----Original Message----- From: James
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 1:29 PM
To: Mogens Lemvig Hansen
Cc: Lilypond User
Subject: Re: larger rehearsal marks


On 14 April 2012 21:24, Mogens Lemvig Hansen <> wrote:
Hi all,

Responses so far indicate that I wasn't clear.  Again,
I would like to have larger rehearsal marks.
With explicit markup, it is easy,
 \mark \markup { \huge F }

but how do I do it with the default marks,
 \mark \default

As Keiren suggested

Stick this in your \score.

\override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #5

(or whatever)


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