
2012/5/31 Philip Thomas <philip.tho...@bluewin.ch>

> Can anyone tell me which glyph is used for (automatically inserted) lyrics
> hyphens? They seem, to my eye, to be wider and lower-placed than ordinary
> text hyphens. I would like to add them manually in certain circumstances
> and
> I want them to match.
I found this in archive:
By Knut Petersen:

Well, lilypond never uses the dash glyph for hyphenation of lyrics.
> Instead of a hyphen it puts a /draw_round_box into the output postscript
> code.
> I used "\override LyricHyphen #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print" to
> tell lilypond to really generate a hyphen glyph instead of a centered
> round_box, but that hyphen will be printed at the start of the preceding
> syllable and thus needs a manual x-offset override if nobody knows
> a better way to handle the problem;-(

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