----- Original Message ----- From: ""Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger"" <kai.lautenschlae...@me.com>
To: "lilypond-user User" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 2:53 PM
Subject: combining pieces in one book

Hi to all,

If this has been answered before, please point me there. I searched the manual several times, but couldn't find an answer, that helped me.

I have many pieces for male choir, that are stored as .ly-files in a directory with a subdirectory for every piece. All of them use some files via \include command. Those files are situated in the parent directory.

Now I would like to make a book (one PDF with TOC and numbered pages) from several of these pieces. And - to make it more complicated - this book changes in content (the .ly-files are the repertoire, book will be the selection for any given concert.

I am searching for a solution to _easily_ make those books without working on the pieces-files. Using \bookpart gave a great number of errors and didn't compile. Can anyone give me a starter, how to go about this?


2 obvious options come to mind: lilypond-book, which is documented in the Usage manual http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/usage/lilypond_002dbook.

Alternatively, you can simply use \book in the following way:

\book {
 \markup { "Some text" }
 \include "AFile.ly"

You would need to add your own contents page once the layout was sorted out.

Phil Holmes

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