Brett McCoy <> writes:

> For a horn, I will have this for the notes:
> hornOneF = \transpose c g \relative c' {
>   \global
>   % Music follows here.
>  ...
> }


> <<
>   \new Voice = "horn 1" {
>     \voiceOne
>     \transpose g c
>     \hornOneF
>   }

It makes more sense to put

\transposition g'

into the horn part itself (but leave the \transpose c g for the horn
part in place).  Then you don't need to retranspose the Midi afterwards:
it will be in sounding pitch anyway.

It also means that if you quote the horn part in other parts as a cue,
the cue will appear in the proper sounding pitch rather than in the
horn's transposition.

\transposition does not change the output at the place it is written: it
only affects the interpretation if you use it in Midi or quote it

David Kastrup

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