On Mon, 13 Aug 2012 15:05:41 +1000
Vaughan McAlley <vaug...@mcalley.net.au> wrote:

> This is a slight variation on:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/snippets/vocal-music#single-staff-template-with-notes-and-lyrics
> I’m trying to apply the idea from Skips in lyric mode[1], so that the
> lyrics start in the second bar, but the \skip only skips to the next
> note.

The number after \skip has to be there for consistency, but in lyrics
that number is a mere place-holder. You have to put another \skip
(+number) for every skipped note in the lyrics. In the usual practical
situation, where the lyrics are for a singer, it doesn't make
common sense to have entire bars (or even entire beats) that both have
notes *and* don't have lyrics.


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