> Perfect, except it still generates a PDF file, which I don't need and I 
   > not find an command-line option to prevent the PDF from being created.
   > But that's what a Makefile is for: I just delete the PDF.

   Lilypond also has a --ps option.... So what you want is:

     lilypond -dbackend=eps -daux-files=#f --ps file.ly

8-) It works, but totally counter-intuitive. I do use --ps all the time, and
the usage manual is clear on this option:

  --ps Generate PostScript.

so it never would have occurred to me that --ps means NOT --ps if the backend
option is eps. Now the usage manual does state:

  The prefix no- may be added to option-name to switch 'off' an option, e.g.


  is the same as


so I tried -dno-ps but that generates:

    warning: no such internal option: no-ps

Just to show I am doing due diligence, the usage manual also says:

    --png Generate pictures of each page, in PNG format. This implies '--ps'.

    --pdf Generate PDF. This implies '--ps'.

but in both cases, no "ps" file exists after the command. Yes, the output of
the command indicates:

   Layout output to `file.ps'...

but creation of this temporary file is an internal issue since it is
subsequently removed, and therefore, irrelevant to the meaning of the
command-line option.

Finally, what does the "-o" option do?

   -o,--output=FILE or FOLDER

   Set the default output file to FILE or, if a folder with that name exists,
   direct the output to FOLDER, taking the file name from the input file. The
   appropriate suffix will be added (e.g. .pdf for pdf) in both cases.

For this command

$ lilypond mary.ly -o fred

my expectation is that the PDF output is placed in file fred.pdf rather than
mary.pdf, but here is what occurs:

GNU LilyPond 2.16.0
Processing `mary.ly'
Interpreting music...[8]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `mary.ps'...
Converting to `./mary.pdf'...
warning: cannot find file: `-o'
warning: cannot find file: `fred'
fatal error: failed files: "fred -o"

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