The beams on the two e's are omitted in this tiny example (version 2.15.36).

\relative c' { r8 \hideNotes f8 \unHideNotes e8. e16 e2 }

The beams are *not* omitted in this tiny example.

\relative c' { r4 e8. e16 e2 }

I realize this isn't latest stable -- I'm in the middle of a project and wanted 
to avoid upgrades unless there was a good reason (like a bugfix).

Could someone confirm whether this is or isn't still an issue? If it's fixed in 
2.16, then I'll upgrade.

The reason for hiding the note is that I needed a phrasing slur to start where 
there is a note in the second voice, but no (visible) note in the first voice, 
and the phrasing slur needs to end in the first voice. So I hid a note in voice 
1 to start the phrasing slur. The 8.-16 rhythm follows immediately after and 
looked rather strange with no beams :)


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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