Hi again,

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 6:00 PM, David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Nick,


> if you're interested simply in
> drawing lines, then there will be greater flexibility with a line
> stencil, rather than em- and en-dashes and such.  I've adapted the
> function to do just that (see attached).  It allows customization of
> slope and the length of the guide-line.

Just remembered that I wrote an engraver a while back which can draw
lines between fingering numbers.  I can't find the file in the
archives, so I'll attach it again here.  With this override (which
uses a property defined in the file), glissando lines get moved from
between their notes to the numbers:

\override Glissando #to-fingerings = ##t

You can control which fingerings the line goes between by setting glissandoMap.

It's meant to connect fingering numbers, but you can hide the first
number to mimic the effect of the function earlier in the thread.
(I'm sure something could be done to this so you wouldn't need to do


Attachment: fingering-slide-engraver.ly
Description: Binary data

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