2012/10/29 Stefan Thomas <kontrapunktste...@gmail.com>:
> The problem is:
> I would like to have a score with drumstaff and a "normal" staff. And only
> in the normal Staff shall be a wider time signature.
> I give you an short example:

Hi Stefan,

next try:

I defined `customTime´ containing all functionality of \time and
printing a wider TimeSignature in DrumStaff only.
It has to be used _in_ the DrumStaff or, if used in a global-variable,
this \global has to be applied to the DrumStaff.
This makes the Devnull-context dispensable. If Devnull is part of some
included template, `customTime´ will produce weird output. To avoid
it, uncomment the \layout in the code below.
-> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2012-10/msg00654.html

\version "2.16.0"

% \layout {
%         \context {
%               \Devnull
%               \alias "DrumStaff"
%         }
% }

customTime =
#(define-music-function (parser location baseline-skip beat-structure frac)
        (number? (number-list? '()) fraction?)
  (let* ((num (car frac))
         (denom (cdr frac)))
     \override DrumStaff.TimeSignature #'stencil =
       #(lambda (grob)
          (grob-interpret-markup grob
                                \markup %\fontsize #5
                                  \override #`(baseline-skip . ,baseline-skip)
                                  \column {
                                          #(number->string num)
                                          #(number->string denom)
       'beat-structure beat-structure
       'denominator denom
       'numerator num)

% ---------------- test

global = {
    \customTime #3 #'(4 3) 7/8
    \customTime #3 #'(2 2 2 3) 9/8

drumnotes = \drummode {
  wbl4 wbl wbh4.
  \repeat "unfold" 3 { wbl4 } wbh4.
somenotes = \relative c' {
  c4 b c4 d8
  e4 e f e8 d c
\score {
        %\new Devnull \global
        \new Staff \somenotes

        \new DrumStaff \with {
                \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #6
        << \global \drumnotes >>

For now this is the best I can deliver, I didn't manage to find a
scheme-accessable definition for the formating of the
There _are_ formating-procedures in time-signature-settings.scm, but
they are used in `compoundMeter´ only.


<<attachment: customTime.png>>

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