On November 23, 2012 at 6:17 PM Trevor Daniels <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> wrote:
> Bric, you wrote Friday, November 23, 2012 10:57 PM
> > Nope.  Removed all the "\hspace"s.  The third paragraph (set of \line's) is
> > still rammed all the way to the left, crossing the gutter.
> >
> > Actually, changing "\column" to "\center-column" shoves the paragraph left,
> > beyond the absolute margin ( pixel 0)
> >
> > When it's "\column" the paragraph is left-aligned, but with a 2-cm or so
> > left
> > margin
> If you look at the example at the end of section 2.1.3 in the Notation
> Reference,
> and add the following to the end, it will add a centered sixth verse.  You
> should be able to work out from this what you need to do.  Here's the
> extra verse - make sure you get fill-line (which centres a single argument)
> and line (which makes a single argument from two) right!
> \markup {
>   \fill-line {
>     \line {
>       \bold "6."
>       \column {
>         "This is verse six."
>         "It has two lines."
>       }
>     }
>   }
> }
> Trevor

OK.  I hadn't checked my version -- it is/was 2.14 .  Somewhere between 2.14 and
2.16.1 things like "\vspace" and other syntax/commands were added...

Since it's developing so fast, it might be a good idea to mention versions to a
newbie.  Ubuntu still has nothing newer than 2.14 in its repositories.

Anyhow, I'm trying the most stable now -- 2.16.1 ; let me see how far I can get
with 2.16.1 on my own.

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