On Jan 15, 2013, at 10:18 PM, Christopher R. Maden wrote:

> On 01/15/2013 04:05 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>> You need to specify the context:
> OK... a more complete example is attached.
> The time signature is invoked in songGlobalsVerse.
> That’s used in a Staff:
> songVocals = \new Staff <<
>  \clef treble
>  <<
>    {
>      \songGlobalsIntro
>      \repeat volta 6 {
>        \songGlobalsVerse
>        \songGlobalsChorus
>      }
>    }
>    \new Voice = "vocal" {
>      \songTacetIntro
>      \repeat volta 6 {
>        \songMelodyVerse
>        \songMelodyChorus
>      }
>    }
> That is, in turn, used in both a layout and a midi context:
> \score {
>  <<
>    \songVocals
>  \layout {}
> }
> The time signature is displayed.
> ~Chris

As previously noted in kieren's email, you need to add "Staff." before 
TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f in order to specify the context that you want the 
override to take place in. In the Internals reference, you can see that the 
TimeSignature engraver lives in the Staff context, and as explained in the 
learning manual section 4.3.1 (using barlines instead of time signatures, but 
exactly the same situation) when you want to override the visibility of 
something, you have to tell lilypond which context it's in, if it's not the 
implicit Voice context.

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