Am 22.01.2013 15:56, schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
> Hello all!
> I'm working in Lilypond v2.17.9, and the conductor of my chamber opera (being 
> performed in April) wants the following stylesheet override: the default 
> barline type should be dashed or dotted, but the barline should be solid 
> (i.e., standard) at every time signature change.

a) Following the manuals:
this would do it for the default bar line in 2.17.9:

\layout {
  \override Score.BarLine #'glyph-name = #"!"   % dashed
  % \override Score.BarLine #'glyph-name = #";" % or dotted

b) For the time signature you would need an extra
 \override Score.BarLine #'glyph-name = #"|"

There is probably a better solution for b), which does not require to
modify the music input.


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