2013/2/6 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>

> That's rather a lack of copy&paste skills.  You can't add or remove
> parentheses in Scheme without changing the meaning.

Nope.  I was able to copy your excerpt just fine. But i needs Scheme skills
to identify where it should be place in my example. I tried several
position, guessing any meaning and got errors every time. My bad. But I
don't claim to be a Schemer.

> It would be nice to get the exact position of the note in the source.
> But there is no such thing as a "note" in the source.  There is just a
> _pitch_.  The _note_ is only assembled inside of the #{...#}.

Yep. That's may be the cause that the click points to the body of the

For my humble understanding:
> But there is no such thing as a "note" in the source.
This is meant for the text that becomes parameters of my music-function tr
or is that meant in general?
I don't see the difference between an "a b c" in normal source and "$p1 $p2
$p3" in a music-function like my example.

Honestly, I don't know it better.

BTW: Probably is my attempt with a music-function not the best way. When I
place all notes (or pitches) into a large \times { } section and use other
means like beatStructure to get the correct beaming I should avoid the
problem with the music function.

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