On 7 Feb 2013, at 18:46 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

On 02/07/2013 02:26 PM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
clarinet-family --> clarinet (what we have now, but without the "hole")

"hole" .... ? I guess you mean the extra touchpiece on the LH 1st finger?
Internally it is coded as "hole", "h" :-)

Ideally you'd like to have some backwards compatibility, so I suggest keeping "clarinet" for the base stencil.
Yes, of course.

- clarinet --> clarinet-with-left-low-gis (obviously adds the left-hand
low-gis key)

Call it clarinet-lh-gis.
Mmmh, that (lh . (gis)) is already taken for the upper key, using the same, not completly describing name will again confuse others.

- clarinet-with-left-low-gis --> bass-clarinet (adds the "hole" and
right low-ees)

I'd use clarinet-full-boehm as the name for the clarinet with low ees, and make bass-clarinet an alias for that (or else, bass- clarinet is the full-boehm instrument plus the "hole").
The regular (soprano-)clarinet doesn't have a low-ees, so that order will not work.

- bass-clarinet --> low-bass-clarinet (adds left low-d, right
low-d, left low-d, thumb low-c and thumb low-cis)

I'd call it bass-clarinet-low-c.
Compatibility in the name?

- low-bass-clarinet --> low-bass-clarinet-BC- Prestige (adds
thumb low-d)

- low-bass-clarinet --> low-bass-clarinet-S- Privilege (adds
thumb low-ees)

I wouldn't bother with the "low" here. :-)
Yeah, but they (BC and S) have similar models running only to the low ees, same series, same name, matching the regular stencil, not the low. So which confusion is "better" explained.

The "clarinet-with-low-gis", "bass-clarinet" and "low-bass- clarinet" will then be "intermediate" stencils, but otherwise complete and callable from the outside, which is fine for example for writing down a specific thing in the high registers or a special effect in a general fashion. The generic stencil for the bass-clarinet" will suit the Buffet Crampon and Selmer current top- models to low-ees and will do for specific notations in the high register for all of them.
All the key variations are in the low range as far as I know.

Question: how do you translate the bass clarinet diagrams into key- name diagrams?
I don't understand the complete question. Is that something other than the result you get with (the already present) \override #'(graphical . #f) as stated in the reference manual?

More variations can be done, e.g. one could add: "clarinet-with- left-low-gis --> clarinet-BC-Tosca" specifying the special F correction key for the right little
finger. etc.

Yes, but that seems to be taking it a little far. It's difficult to imagine a situation where a composer would want to specify such a key, because its existence and practical effect cannot be relied upon.
Isn't a chicken-and-egg combination? I spoke to my teacher today and she got the question of a composer "tell me what is possible?" as opposed to someone writing down something and the player having to find out how to do it. As the key corrects the lowest f (of a soprano- clarinet), it will probably not used/prescribed. But if some effect, whatever can be done with it, someone will use it sometime.

But it is a little (much) too far, I agee.

If really needed it should be possible to insert an older or newer
system also. The problem is that all the really usable variations are typically
brand/model variations, I'm struggling with the naming of it.

This may be handled better by documentation describing how to create your own custom diagram, rather than trying to support many.
That is not that easy, it is not ly-code, but Scheme code and tougher (more and more stacked upon another) as I expected. The basic files involved are together already 3200 lines (some are comments, but 90% is code :-).


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