Mr. Kastrup:

Thank you for your reply and instructions. Changing the two "apostrophes" to
one "quote" allowed the file to compile.
As a beginning student of Lilypond (about six months) my inquiries are at a
basic level. I appreciate your patience and that of others in the user's

Although the file (see below) is generated, the mordents are above the chord
rather than to the left of the middle pitches.

mor = 
#(define-event-function (parser location)() #{ \tweak #'text \markup
        { \fontsize #5 \musicglyph #"scripts.mordent" } -1
\relative c''
   \once \set fingeringDirections = #'(left)
< g, c\mor e > r8 < d' f >
\once \set fingeringDirections = #'(left)
< c e\mor g >4 r8 < e c' > |

Where is my error now?

Again, I thank you for your kind and patient attention.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
David Kastrup
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: Orientation of Ornaments

Thomas Morley <> writes:

> 2013/2/12 Mark Stephen Mrotek <>:
>> Mr. Morley:
>> Thank you again for the instructions:
>> mor =
>> #(define-event-function (parser location)() #{\tweak #'text \markup
>>             { \fontsize #5 \musicglyph #''scripts.mordent'' } -1

I see '' instead of " here two times.

>> error: wrong type for argument 1.  Expecting string, found (quote
>> scripts.mordent'')
>>             { \fontsize #5 \musicglyph
>>                                    #''scripts.mordent'' } -1.
>> Please point out my error.

> On topic:
> My code compiles without problems on my machine with 2.16.1.
> I assume a copy/paste-error or the wrong version (it will fail with 
> 2.14.2)

Looks very much like copy-paste error.  Possible causes: "inventive"
news/mail reader, or pasting into a text processor rather than a proper

David Kastrup

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